Ragnarok Wiki
Thirsty, Thirsty
Start Barrett
End Barrett
Prerequisites none
Level 42
Location Hasut Town
Rewards Experience, Money
Previous Next
none none


Collect Sandi's Water Club and give it to Barrett.


"Welcome to Sograt Desert. Water is very rare around here so people are always thirsty. There isn't even an oasis around, so people here hunt the Sandi to supplement water.

Why? The thing is, they carry water clubs that are full of water. So we obtain those clubs to get water. It may sound cruel, but the Sandi can fly to the nearest oasis. If we could talk to them, we could ask for water, but that's obviously not an option.

So, <name>. I'm really thirsty right now, so can you get me Sandi's Water Clubs?"


  • 2,035 Base EXP
  • 643 Rupi


"I am so thirsty. Please get me Sandi's Water Clubs. They wander around the entrance of the desert."



(Gulp, gulp!!!)

"Phew……. That's better. Thanks a lot.

Are you travelling? If you are, then follow road to the left to reach the Grooming Thieves Camp. You can rest there. However, watch out for Ruti Cereno there. She's their captain, but she does anything to get what she wants, which is why she is feared even by her own gang."

External links[]


  • Patch (2014 Jan. 08)
    • This is one of several quests that were removed to streamline the Questing Experience (any experience the removed quests used to give have been distributed to the remaining quests).